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Stage One – Nominations

Nominations are submitted via an online portal. The awards are free to enter. Individuals and companies can nominate themselves or their peers in unlimited categories. Submissions should focus on mortgage professionals and achievements from the last 12 months.

Stage Two – Research

The NZ Mortgage Awards team will conduct due diligence, drawing on research and editorial insights to verify the material submitted in nominations.

Stage Three – Confirmation of excellence awardees

Once the research has been completed, excellence awardees will be selected in each category and notified via e-mail. Excellence awardees will also be announced on the NZ Adviser website on 10 February.

Stage Four – Judging

An independent panel of judges appointed by NZ Adviser, comprised of Mortgage and Finance leaders from around New Zealand, will review the excellence awardees submissions and allocate each one of them with a confidential and impartial score.

Stage Five – Winners announced

Once the judging has been completed, the excellence awardee with the highest overall score in each category will be named the winner. Winners will be announced at an in-person event on 11 April 2025 at the Auckland War Memorial Museum and online through NZ Adviser.


Register today and keep up to date with every key deadline and milestone throughout the New Zealand Mortgage Awards process.